The December assignment of the Dutch Zentangle Swappers (DZS) on was making a triptych with ATCs. Theme, use of colour and tangles were all free to choose. Directly I thought about a Christmas theme. Unfortunately I couldn't find my small stencils I used last year, so I went up for big Christmas stencils. These stencils used to be for making spray snow figures on windows, but why wouldn't I just tangle in it?
Als ik ATC's wil maken, vind ik het prettig er meteen een grotere lading van te maken, of te wel 8 ATC's. Hiervoor werk ik dan graag op een aquarelblok van 18 x 26 cm, 170 grams papier.
When I start making ATCs I like it to make a series of it, so that would be 8 ATCs. I like to make them on an aquarel paper block of 18 x 26 cms (about 7 x 10 inch) with 170 grams paper.
Het sjabloon heb ik 2x overgenomen met een 2B potlood. Een keer rechtop en de tweede keer ondersteboven, dus de sterren en cirkels tekende ik overelkaar heen.
The stencil I choose I drew twic with a 2B pencil. One time one way and the second time up side down, which made me drawing stars and circles on top and through each other.
Daarna heb ik alle patronen en dauwdruppels met mijn 2B potlood van schaduwen voorzien.
On the internet I had seen beautiful starts made with the tangle Auraknot, but not quite fully filled. This I wanted to try with my black Sakura Micron 05. The small stars I drew 'Nzeppel with green and red, also a 05. The circles I drew the outline with a Micron 01 as if it were dewdrops. You can see the patterns is broader in the middle than along the edge.
After this I shadowed all patterns and dewdrops with my 2B pencil.

When the basic part was finished (right side), I measured the ATC measurements on the backside of the paper. With pencil dots I copied the borders from the back to the front. Each ATC I gave its own border, with the Micron 05 or just with shade.
Daarna vond ik het af. Ik heb het in 8-en gesneden en 3 stuks in een envelop gedaan, die vandaag op de post gaan naar ... dat is nog even een verrassing :-) I thought it was done. I cut it up in 8 pieces and put 3 ATCs in an envelope, which went on its way today to ... that is a surprise :-)
Kun jij aan de hand van de foto's ontdekken welke delen ik opgestuurd heb?
Can you guess seeing the pictures which parts I have sent?
Met dit blogbericht wil ik iedereen goede kerstdagen wensen. With this blog post I want to wish everyone very merry Christmas.
tangle groetjes greetings van Arja
leuk idee.. ik denk links.. de drie bovenste.. was wel even puzzelen!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenje zult het zien met de post Magda ;-)
Verwijderende post was toen al aangekomen haha :)